How to use Google Lens to move QR Code and Barcode solutions

Google Lens
Do you often use the QR Code and Barcode? This time you need not dizzy anymore that there is a special application that is used to move the QR Code i.e. Google Lens. No need to add a special application, but simply use Google Assitant for doing so. Assistant on Google is not only QR Code that can be used but also the Barcode.

How To Use Google's Lens

How should you do while using Google's Lens. You only need a Google Activation Assistant. Such as by pressing the button on the old image and say "OK Google". Then you can tap Google Lens which is located bottom right corner of the screen. Then you can point your camera to the QR Code and Lens will automatically detect the QR Code.

After that, you could be tapped to open links or other information that allows encoded. In the window will appear at the bottom of the screen for that information.

Google Lens

It turns out that not only QR Code alone but also applies Its usual. You can put your camera and point it to the barcode. After that tap on it to see more information about the product or related products.

When you want to save it so you can take photos of whatever you want to move and you do use Google photos later. In doing this then activate the Google photos and after that tap Google Lens on the bottom of the screen.

Often times you're curious about Its the stuff you have, then Google could use the Lens which is Google Assistant. Later will automatically scan the picture and recognize the code. Pretty easy to do and doesn't need an additional application to scan the QR Code or Barcode.

8 Habits that can make Android smartphones quickly damaged (cracked phones and cracked phone screens)

iPhone 7
Every smartphone users in using the smartphone has a way different, was right in taking care of its smartphones, and there is also wrong in his or her care and is considered correct, if the wrong things that have already become a habit in day to day usage of smartphone then it could be a smartphone you have don't have the longevity or it could be quickly broken

Of course, we do not want such things to happen, then immediately leave a habitual use of smartphones is wrong and switched to good care. What are the things or habits that make smartphones quickly broken?

What causes fast smartphone habits broken?

You might think of that habit in the treatment of, for example, the use of too many applications or perhaps because of other treatments. If it relates to physical care, could have been damaged due to the smartphone user error.  However, for the moment with the current technological developments rapidly and also increasingly sophisticated security features. The habit of smartphone users is less important in fact presume that they thus could be bad.

Examples of causes of smartphones quickly broke down

1. Login account carelessly

Login Email accounts on a variety of devices can also make wanton damage smartphones. For example, when you borrow your smartphone or computer to log into the Email account is the main account of your smartphone. We recommend that you do log out properly and correctly. Make sure your account is actually already out and secure your threats not exploited. Because this could just be bad for a smartphone.

2. Pattern Locks screen

Use pattern codes need if your smartphone store files or critical data. But the habit of using this pattern also could lead to a fatal damaged on Smartphones When in the locked state, it could just be someone else will open it up and try to force that to happen the smartphone will be locked permanently. 

3. Games with large RAM


Android Smartphone, as well as the current iPhone, does have very nice graphics capabilities. And also there are many games that have multimedia features arguably very riveting.  The use of smartphones to play games that are too over will result in extra work more smartphones, and fast smartphones would be damaged. That often happens in the fast heat of the smartphone battery. That's the habit causes a fast smartphone is actually very trivial and not even thought of by us. But it could lead to a fatal damage.

4. Using your smartphone while charging the battery

smartphone charging battery
During the process of charging the battery, power smartphone is already generating a lot of heat. When you wear your smartphone then the intensity of the heat in the smartphone's battery will increase. When you perform these activities on an ongoing basis so your smartphone will quickly break down and the age of the battery will be reduced.

5. Forgot to close the application that is already in use

An application tab that runs on an Android smartphone
For Android users, the application already used usually will not be automatically shut down. Applications will normally remain running in the background screen of your smartphone. If you forget to close the applications you have open then the application will work on and will continue to take your battery power.

6. Too many installed Applications


Things like this are also capable of making smartphones you guys become slow because too many applications install causes performance RAM add and will gradually slow down, especially for Smartphones that have the capacity of RAM. Before you install an application, so it fits better with the ability of everyday needs and smartphone specifications so that is not the case the buildup program.

7. Do not clean the phone

phone screen
It turns out that treating the smartphone should also really be from outside and in when you perform actions such as clean the components of the smartphone can be fatal. The more it gets worse again i.e. buildup of bacteria on the smartphone.

8. Let the Android battery empty too long

smartphone battery
Smartphone batteries consist of cells that serves to accommodate an electric current. Even the cells will also be kept alive if in it there is still an electric current. If you leave the battery empty smartphone too long, then the cells will fall asleep even if it has been too long will cause the cells to die. Finally, the battery will not be recharged.

To avoid damage to the battery of your smartphone, then don't let the battery too long. Even do not let the battery until it too is exhausted, please refill if the battery has reached lived 20% or more good news before 40% should you have recharged the battery.

Additional information. The risk of that happening if you continue to use a smartphone with the cracked screen

1. Touch screen response decreased

Touch screen smartphone
Although it can still be used, cracks on the screen of the smartphone turned out to potentially lower the sensitivity of the touchscreen. Thus, the touch screen is cracked is no longer so responsive. Moreover, if the touch screen is broken, the likelihood of damage to the users cleaned will be quick because the cracks will interfere with another part of the screen that has not been cracked and will automatically be broken completely.

2. Can injure finger

The outbreak of the smartphone screen is also potentially hurt the fingers of the user. Moreover, if users often use to play games on the touchscreen. Therefore, quick fix screen smartphone into the nearest service shop in order to avoid possible bad like this.

3. Greater Radiation

You know, the screen smartphone that crack turns out can also cause greater radiation. With a broken screen, smartphones will produce a fractured screen and radiation from harming the health risk of the user. In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer claimed the radiation emitted from the screen smartphone from harmful radiation twice the usual smartphone.
Tags #broken screen #brokenphone #cracked screen

How to overcome the iPhone's Touch Screen that doesn't work properly

iPhone 6 Plus
How to repair the iPhone touch screen does not work - Technological developments have reached a high level by presenting a variety of innovations in various platforms. With increasing development resulted in the producers of technology in the field of electronics growing by leaps and bounds. Starting from various innovations created and produces outstanding products in each launch. Increasing the number of products being launched sometimes makes us as a user experience confusion in choosing products that are suited to our needs. By offering different options have different functions and features with high specification make us think hard to choose which products which we will use.

All products must have technology advantages and disadvantages of each. It is the deciding point of that product that has many advantages will certainly demand by society. So too with the iPhone are hits at the moment. In using a variety of technology products will certainly experience the constraints that may just happen. One example is the touchscreen on your iPhone. iPhone touchscreen is very important because all the functions that can be used on the iPhone screen iPhone started. When the condition of the touchscreen iPhone does not work properly, then you will also feel disturbed because of that. The iPhone's touchscreen is not working could be due to several things, storage capacity is too full, the iPhone has been dropped, exposed to air, or other things. These things can cause congestion touchscreen when used so that the performance of the touchscreen does not work optimally.

How many ways overcome iPhone Touchscreen not working, among others, are:


When you experience the iPhone screen does not work try restarting your phone. Maybe you don't realize that your phone too works hard to meet your needs so that your phone experience a hang. This can occur because you are too much run a variety of applications and performs multifunctional, so the condition of loading per each application becomes unstable because it is used for many applications that you are running. When this occurs, try to restart on your phone. With so may reduce or stop the application that you are running.

Clean the touchscreen iPhone (screen)

Clean the touchscreen iPhone

Squeeze in some time for a minimum of 1 minute to clean the screen of your iPhone. the iPhone that is used every day should be every day also the screen is cleaned to keep your iPhone screen is not damaged, and experiencing interference. When cleaning the screen of your iPhone, use cloth or using a soft tissue so as not to damage the screen of your iPhone. When you try to clean it with a cleaning fluid, then it should not be done because we do not know if your iPhone can be cleaned with a special cleaning or not.

Turn off the iPhone just for a moment

Just as with humans, sometimes all electronic equipment needs a break because too much to process various applications you want. Take a moment to turn off the iPhone for 5-10 minutes. The iPhone's touchscreen doesn't work there must be a just cause, try you think whether you ever do wrong things against your iPhone.

For example, you frequently access your iPhone not to condition the hands dry, or iPhone you ever drop, and so on.

Do restore your iPhone

When the touchscreen you indeed cannot be resolved with things above, then you should probably do restore your iPhone and make sure that before you do the restore, all data that you have already backed up, so when after a restore, you still access your data that has been previously backed up.

Why data backup is important? Because all the data you have is important and data any time you need. When you forget to do a backup of the data, it is possible that your data will be lost when the restore process is running.

Remove The SIM Card

Remove The SIM Card iPhone

It turns out that the problem in SIM card or external memory can also cause a problem on the touchscreen. Therefore, if the touch screen of your device is not functioning, then turn off the device and disconnect all the SIM card and an external memory. Once disconnected, restart the device.

Upgrade OS

Operating system upgrade can also be done to fix the problem the touchscreen does not work. The upgrade software is proven to solve bugs that occur in the device, no exception problem on the touchscreen.

The Call Center Of Apple

If it's all the things you have done and have not been successful, then you should come to the Customer Service Centre to request a solution regarding your touchscreen not working. In addition to asking for a solution, the Apple iPhone can check directly state you when you come directly to the Apple Service Center. That way you can entrust your iPhone to the Service Center. Make sure that you tell us the details of your complaint so that your iPhone can be handled well according to that you submit.

2 How to repost on Instagram picture and video the easiest 2018

How to repost a picture and video on Instagram
2 How to repost on an Instagram picture and video the easiest 2018 - Instagram this time social media is one that is very popular in the community. When you see an interesting post belongs to someone either pictures or videos, you moved to repost him back. Could be you're interested because the video or images that inspire you, contains information, nice, or funny.

But, unfortunately, you can't repost posting another person directly on Instagram. Unlike the Twitter retweet feature, Instagram does not provide such features.

However, it does not mean you cannot repost posting another person on Instagram. You can still utilize third-party applications that can help you repost posting on Instagram. For more details, see the explanation below.

How to Repost on Instagram

Intuk reposts posting another person on Instagram, you must use a third party application to do so. In this discussion, we will discuss two applications to repost someone else's postings on Instagram i.e. Repost for Instagram – Regrann and Insta Save & Repost. The following 2 ways repost on Instagram easily:

1. How to Repost on Instagram with Regrann

Regrann – Repost for Instagram allows you to repost the images and videos on Instagram without watermark. With this application, you can also save the photo or video to your phone Instagram. If you would like to schedule a repost Instagram and remove ads, you can use Regrann Pro. How to repost on Instagram good posting in the form of pictures and videos with Regrann is very easy. Note the steps below.

1. Download Regrann – Repost for Instagram at Play Store.

2. then, after the application Regrann installed, sign in to Your account with Instagram then select a picture or video that you want to repost. Click the three dots that are at right angles.

3. After that, select the option Copy Link.

Copy Link Instagram

4. You will be redirected to the application Regrann – Repost for Instagram. Select the image icon Instagram is in the bottom right corner of the image.

Repost Instagram

5. Then will appear and click OK.

6. Next, you only need to set up Your posting as you want to start either crop or effect. After that, you simply enter the caption and do some additional settings in Your postings.

2. How to Repost on Instagram with Insta Save & Repost

Insta Save & Repost for Instagram allows you to repost photos or videos of people on Instagram you. In addition, you can download photos and videos to your gallery Instagram with just one tap and you can share photos and videos directly to your friends or your own Instagram.

How to do repost pictures and videos with Insta Save & Repost is very easy. Note the steps below.

1. Download Insta Save & Repost in Play Store.

2. Then, after application of Insta Save & Repost attached, sign in to Your account with Instagram then select a picture or video that you want to repost. Click the three dots that are located in the upper right corner.

3. After that, select the option Copy Link.

4. Next, open the Save and Repost Insta application, automatically the images you have selected (in-copy link) will appear in the application. Click the share.

5. Then, will perform some of the social media options as a destination for sharing. Select Instagram.

6. Next, you only need to set up Your posting as you want to start either crop or effect. After that, you simply enter the caption and do some additional settings in Your postings.

The discussion this time about how to repost on Instagram with posting in the form of photos or videos using third-party applications. Hopefully, it can be useful to all of you.

Don't forget to share it and good luck.

5 powerful ways and best resolve the iPhone battery draining fast

iPhone screen
How to fix iPhone battery draining fast - Never seen an iPhone battery, and realized you live 30 percent when the new batteries power filled?  If you are experiencing this problem, the first thing to do is to find out if the use of the iPhone is no different from the days before?

If so, it's good they don't you repeat again. However, when the use of iPhone you are sure nothing has changed, the way below might help you cope with the iPhone battery draining fast.

1. Reduce the number of Widgets in the Lock Screen

iOS 10 Lock Screen

Update iOS through 10 passing, Apple managed to make widgets display on the Lock Screen looks more interesting and informative than the previous version.

No need to open the application again or mobile phone users can get various information, such as weather, calendar, email, and much more. Even so, this widget requires the ' power ' to keep always updated.

If the iPhone battery draining you feel fast, it's good not to use widgets that you can dispose of the Lock Screen. To access the widgets from the Lock Screen, slide iPhone screen to the right and do the below:

  • 1. Scroll down on the page, tap the Edit button widgets.
  • 2. Open the mobile phone and you will find the menu Add Widgets.
  • 3. To remove widgets, tap the red circle that is in addition to the widget.
  • 4. The Remove button will appear, tap the button.
  • 5. Button-tap Done when you're done.

2. Restart You iPhone

Restart the device is the most fundamental and problem-solving is often done by users of Android or iPhone.

Though not directly solve the problem of the iPhone battery drained rapidly, this way can affect the performance of the device to make it more quickly.

3. Turn off applications that operate behind

True to its name, the application that operates the rear d does what it should do, IE refresh or update the application continuously even though the application is not used.

Although the time it takes to wait for the information in the application appears faster, in fact, it is so draining iPhone battery.

To turn it off, you can do by way of General Background > > Settings App Refresh > Sliding button Background App Refresh to the left.

4. Behind the scenes iPhone down

Background App Refresh

When you iPhone screen facing up, the screen will light up every time you get a notification. And if you receive many notifications, there is the possibility of the flame-the demise of the iPhone screen can drain battery power.

Therefore, in addition to being the most appropriate way to stop you opening and replying to any notification appears, iPhone screen flipped down can save battery power because the screen will not light up every time there is a notification.

5. Turn on the Low Power Mode

Turn on the Low Power Mode

Of all the features that are on the iPhone, the Low Power Mode is a feature that is very helpful. Unfortunately, not all iPhone users realize this feature can help the battery problem.

By turning on the Low Power Mode, it is possible the iPhone could last much longer until you find the stop contact to charge your iPhone or a power bank.

To turn on this feature, you can enter the Settings Slide button Battery > > Low Power Mode to the right.

I hope how to fix iPhone battery draining fast can help in now also to resolve the problem you are facing.

Don't forget to share it and good luck.

5 How to turn off Automatic Updates on Windows 10 forcibly

disable windows 10 update
How to disable updates in Windows 10 - Microsoft has changed the location of the various settings and components on Windows 10. Most of these settings have been moved from the Control Panel to the Application Settings are simpler, and there are several others removed entirely.

Such as Windows Update, Windows Update settings have been moved from the Control Panel to the Application Settings. Although the Control Panel is indeed still existed on Windows 10 Applications, however, when the PC try that there are very many setting that disappeared and moved to the Application Settings.

In previous versions of Windows, we can choose what updates we will download and install it. However on Windows 10, now users are very limited even at all of its settings can not be changed. You can only change settings regarding how to update installed, but you cannot turn off or disable downloading the update feature directly.

However, there are still some hidden tricks we can do to turn off Windows updates on Windows 10, here's how.

1. Use Defer Upgrades

Special for you Windows users 10 Pro, you can turn off the automatic update option Defer upgrades.

Defer the Upgrade means asking for Windows 10 not to download and install the update for a period up to a maximum of 8 months.

Excess Defer upgrades, you would still be getting Windows security patches so that 10 you safe, but for updates in the form of new features and improved features would not be downloaded.

The later you stay off Defer upgrades and Check Updates.

To enable the Defer the Upgrade, open Windows Update > Advanced Options

Windows 10 Update

After that, you click Defer upgrades.

configure automatic updates policy

But remember, this option only exists on Windows 10 Pro only. For those of you, Windows user 10 Home can't do it this way.

2. Use Metered Connection

The other way is to set the connection as metered Ang connection so Windows will not download any updates until you connect to a non-metered Ang connection.

But this way can only be done by a user who uses Windows 10 WiFi connection or Mobile Broadband.

To do this simply go to Settings by pressing CTRL + I Network > & Internet

After that select the WiFi connection or Mobile Broadband you > > Advanced Options and enable the option Set as metered Ang connection.

Metered connection Windows 10

3. Turn off the Windows Update Services

In this way, Windows Update will die miserably, including updates to patch security. So make sure if you use this way, once connected to the internet so that Windows update immediately you remain secure and optimal.

To turn off automatic updates on Windows 10 with how to turn off services, just go to Services.

After that Windows Update Search > right-click > Properties

Windows 10

After that Stop Windows Update Services option and change the Startup type to Disabled.

Disable Windows Update in Windows 10

You need to know: turn off Windows Update Services can make you can not use the Store and can't download Modern Apps. The risk is borne by the user.

4. Modification Through Group Policy

This way can only be done by a Pro 10 Windows user have access to Group Policy. Just go Run with Win + R > type gpedit.msc > Enter

Then, Browse to Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows > > Components > Windows Update.

Then right-click Configure Automatic Update > Edit

Configure Automatic Update Windows 10

After that select, the option Enabled and change automatic updating configuration to Notify for download and notify for install > OK and Apply

So if there is an update that was released, Windows 10 will not be directly downloaded, but will instead give notification in advance.

5. How to forcibly through the PowerShell Command

This is a shortcut from the way 3, just that we make in the form of a PowerShell command so that you can access it more quickly.

To turn off the Windows Update service, simply open the PowerShell command and execution:

stop-service wuauserv
set-service wuauserv – startup disabled

To ensure the services is completely dead, check with this command.

get-wmiobject win32_service – filter "name = ' wuauserv '"

If it is dead then its StartMode is Disabled and the State Stopped him.

To turn on the Windows Update service again, simply execute this command

set-service wuauserv – startup manual
start-service wuauserv

Keep in mind that Microsoft has now put Windows 10 as a service and not the software again. Means Microsoft would routinely release updates and new features so that updates are available.

To install the latest updates, Windows update will also need 10 before. For it, if it was not because it had to, then you should not turn off Windows Automatic Update 10.

Don't forget to share it and good luck.

6 How to overcome Stuck iPhone application 'Waiting' continuously

iPhone apps waiting stuck
iPhone apps waiting stuck - Install iOS applications on the iPhone and iPad is very easy. You simply go into the App Store, search for iOS applications you want, then download. The install process will run automatically after you successfully download it.

Sometimes, those applications experiencing stuck waiting by displaying the icons of the application becomes dark. IOS applications are not downloaded or do not want to start the download process. If so, then the download process experienced a stuck loading and that won't stop. How to fix iPhone applications stuck in waiting time to install this?

6 ways that you can use to repair and troubleshoot applications iPhone stuck at waiting continuously. Read the whole thing so you better understand.

1. Download the application restart

If you managed to cancel the download process and remove the problematic application, the next best way is to try to download the application again. When you download it again, see if that application is back in trouble in stuck waiting?

If true, then just delete the application again. You can wait for a while before doing it again. If the problem still occurs, there are still a few other ways that you can try at the bottom.

2. Check the status of your Apple system

If the problem is indeed a matter of Apple server, then there is no way other than waiting for Apple to fix the problem. You can check the complete system state all Apple in Apple System Status such as App Store, iCloud and others and see if anyone is Down. Apple System Status.

3. Check Internet connection

There is no problem in the Apple App Store System Status? Maybe there is a problem in internet connection. If you are using a packet data connection, try a cellular operator you use Wifi if you can download applications and no problems stuck.

If you use Wifi, then you can try to turn off wifi and use a data connection from a mobile operator. Check whether the problem has been a stuck application that goes wrong or is still problematic.

If the application still cannot download and only displays the loading icon display applications continues with the dark, then you can try another below.

4. Update iPhone

Another way that you can try to fix this problem is to how to update your iPhone or iPad you update to the latest iOS version. the latest IOS usually has a variety of new features and also a great many bug fixes as well as the improvement of the system.

The latest iOS version is currently iOS 12.

5. Try removing the application

The easiest way to overcome iPhone applications that stuck and waiting is to remove the problematic iPhone application manually. By removing the application, then the system will cancel the process of downloading applications from the App Store.

6. Try downloading another application on the App Store

You can try to download other iOS applications on the App Store. Just download a small application to test whether there is a problem with Apple's servers or not. If another application runs normally without stuck waiting or loading, try ye the previous application.

If the application still having problems stuck and failed to download, then it's time you check the status of the existing system on an Apple. You can check periodically for a problem that occurs on the server the Apple.

If you've tried 6 How to fix iPhone applications stuck in waiting time to install this? Hopefully may already be resolved.

Don't forget to share it and good luck.

How to turn off the vibration on the iPhone if you feel very disturbed

Vibration on iPhone
How to turn off vibrate on iPhone - Create your new iPhone user, this way might be useful. Not always vibration on the iPhone it helps, maybe for some people the vibration is often annoying.

For information, notification in the form of vibration on the iPhone is quite strong, compared to some other smartphone brands. So if for those who feel disturbed by the vibration that comes every message, notification or call, now there is a solution.

Disabling vibrations can be done in a simple way, select Settings menu, then to Sound and turn vibration into silent or ringing mode.

Keep in mind, even if the iPhone does not vibrate when receiving a call or message, the vibration mode is active in certain situations, such as the earthquake or other warnings. For more details, take a few steps in this simple tutorial.

1. The first thing to do is select the Settings menu and then to General.

2. Then select Accessibility. Then, slide slightly down until finally visible option "Vibration". Immediately press and go to the next step.

3. After that, you'll see toggle enabling or disabling vibrations. And if you want to disable, simply shifted.

However, if you feel a sudden need for vibration as a notice, especially when in a noisy place, do the same.

Good luck!

How to check traffic jam conditions with Google Maps

Google Maps
Technological developments do bring many positive impacts into human life. GPS is one example, this is a technology used to know the position of an object with the help of satellites. This GPS has now been utilized and applied in the field of transportation. By leveraging apps like Google Maps, we can now easily go somewhere without fear of getting lost.

Of course, it would be very useful especially for people who live in urban areas where they become subscriptions for traffic jams. By knowing the current situation of the highway, we can determine which route is best so as not to get caught in a long traffic jam.

How to check traffic jam with Google Maps

We just need to enable the feature to monitor traffic conditions on the highway. But because we will use the GPS service of course also requires a name internet connection. So before you try, make sure your smartphone is connected to the network.

1. First you please just open the Google Maps application.

2. After that wait and will display the map in your area, press menu in the upper left corner then click Traffic.

Google Maps

3. Automatically, Google Maps will show the condition of the highway there. This is a real-time condition right then and there so it's very trustworthy.

Google Traffic

4. Now you can find out which path has traffic density and not.

You need to know:

When this feature is enabled, Google Maps will alert the congestion with color. For those who do not know the meaning please check the following explanation:

Green: Traffic situation is smooth without any traffic jam.
Orange: The road conditions are quite crowded with vehicles.
Red: Indicates the highway is jamming.

In addition to some color symbols above, there are also other symbols that indicate something happened there. For example, such as an accident, road repair or transfer/road closure. This information will certainly help you who often travel and do not want stuck in traffic.

Find out how to easily share your Wifi password with QR Code

wifi logo
How to share wifi password - Sharing your personal Wi-Fi network with friends or anyone else is not too complicated. But have you ever imagined sharing a Wi-Fi network using QR code?

For some people sharing Wi-Fi, passwords are too much of a hassle because it is long and complicated. However, increasingly sophisticated technological developments allow you to share your network only through your own custom QR code.

It's an easy way to create QR code that contains a connection to your personal Wi-Fi network, via an alert from Howtotricks.

First, to create a QR Code, just click and you will go to a page that will help you to create your own QR code. Then enter the correct WiFi SSID (wireless network name or its name), WiFi password is correct, choose the type of security you use for WiFi (WEP, WPA / WPA2 or without encryption) and select a legend that you want to use QR code and click " Generate QR code WiFi ".

After filling in all the data fields, then click Generate QR Code for WiFi Password, then Share to Friends.

Then, you will be given a Link to download the finished QR code. After that, you can share QR Code images to everyone you want to share WiFi access.

Once you have a QR code and share it with your friends or neighbors, that person needs to do is download the scanner app from the Google Play Store (for Android users and users).

Then the application can be used to scan QR code. After scanning QR code, WiFi will connect automatically to the device.

How Translation Firms Can Leverage Advancements in A.I.

Artificial intelligence isn’t science-fiction anymore. This rapidly-developing technology now has numerous applications in a wide range of industries. The translation industry, in particular, is benefiting from the rise of AI. To understand how it first helps to review the technology’s basic history.

The 1950s - Innovations like the Ferranti Mark 1’s chess program introduced the world to the concept of “narrow AI.” This term refers to basic AI that can follow rules like a human.

The 1990s - During the 1990s, machine learning began playing a more substantial role in the development of AI technology. Through machine learning, algorithms teach computers to separate data into relevant subsets. The AI can theoretically review the subsets of data and make decisions accordingly.

The 2000s - The early 2000s saw the rise of deep learning, a branch of machine learning that employs algorithms designed to mirror the human brain. AI developed with deep learning should, like a person, be able to solve new problems by learning from past experiences.

The Future - It won’t be long before general AI is much more commonplace. General AI refers to machines that are able to perform a wide range of intelligence-based tasks the same way a human would. Think of an autonomous robot from your favorite sci-fi film, and you get a basic sense of what general AI is.

The Role of Deep Learning in the Translation Industry

For those working in the translation industry, deep learning (and its applications in the development of AI) has been revolutionary. Anyone who has ever used an online translator only to receive a finished translation with awkward sentences and numerous errors knows that narrow AI is very limited in this field.

Narrow AI translators can follow a basic process of separating a sentence into fragments and looking up foreign words in a dictionary, but it can’t pick up on the nuance of language. If you’re attempting to use this technology for learning or marketing translation, for example, this can greatly impact how effective your product is and possibly damage your reputation if the quality of the translation suffers. The same consequences apply across all industries.

A deep learning AI translator is more likely to correctly identify sarcasm, get a joke, or even appreciate the cultural and situational context. At Google, innovators have recently demonstrated just how effective this technology can be.

Google’s Breakthrough

Up until recently, Google Translate relied on narrow AI. In 2016, however, the tech giant experimented with a new approach to online translations. Using a new system called Google Neural Machine Translation, researchers explored the limits of what AI translators can do.

For instance, could an AI accurately translate a new language pair without additional training? In other words, could an AI that was trained to translate Japanese into English and Korean into English also translate Japanese into Korean with no extra programming?

Apparently, yes. While narrow AI, which essentially performs word-to-word translations, would be unable to achieve this feat, Google’s new AI taught itself to translate Japanese into Korean by creating its own artificial language consisting of common elements in both languages.


It’s easy to imagine how this technology might be applied to a wide range of industries. For example, law firms frequently involved in international litigation can speed up the process of resolving a case by easily translating documents for review. A professional human translator should definitely confirm the accuracy of any documents that are to be signed or delivered, but AI can still help when a legal team needs to sort through reams of documents in another language to find relevant details.

Any business translating its website or marketing materials will also benefit. True, as with law firms, businesses must consult with translation professionals to ensure all content is localized for the culture of a given audience. That doesn’t mean they can’t rely on AI to provide the basic framework for translated materials.

Essentially, while AI won’t replace people in the translation industry, it will allow translation firms to work more efficiently for their clients. Professionals in any industry that requires translations should pay attention to these developments.

10 ways to produce cool Food Photography with exceptional quality

Food Photography
Food Photography is now one of the most interesting photography types to do. For that many are looking for ways to produce food photography is cool. Because, although it looks simple it turns out that photo food with the angle and suitable techniques greatly affect customers to come.

Pictures of foods that are interesting to look at can actually invite hunger and add to the delicious when seen. So, how to create a cool food photography?

This time we will detail the reviews on how to produce a cool Food Photography. By using some of these ways, it certainly does not rule out you can use it for work or the interests of professional photography.

How to produce amazing Food Photography

1. Set Exposure

How to produce the first cool Food Photography is the lighting arrangement. In Food Photography there are two lighting namely Ambient Light and Artificial Light.

Using Ambient Light then you have to make use of sunlight or other natural light. If you have to take pictures in the room then you should take advantage of space that is easily exposed to light. The simplest way is to shoot the image near the window and prepare the reflector to let the light spread and the object is clearly visible.

Meanwhile, if you use artificial light, then you can use lighting from lights or flash. In order to get a good light, you can use softbox or diffuser.

2. Adjust the image position

The next technique of how to produce a cool Food Photography and become an important technique is the position of food or angle when shooting the food.

The position of the picture when Food Photography there are three positions ie dead center. This position is usually the most widely used so that all foods can be cupped in one frame. The second position is the rule of Thirds, this position places the object one-third of the screen. The third is Diagonal, a position is usually an object placed on the diagonal line with the help of the line on the grid on the camera screen.

3. Turn off on-camera flash

As has been pointed out in the first part that the usable lighting is flash. However, if the lighting is felt very enough, you should turn off the flash because it can reduce the effects of images to be no good.

4. Using Tripod

Food Photography
Tripod is a photographic equipment that is widely used to position the image does not shake when shooting. This tool is quite important in how to produce this cool Food Photography.

Because Food photography can also rely on Tripod to get a good picture. If with the Tripod hand will be free to determine the position of food.

5. Use the appropriate background

Food Photography

One of the coolest ways to produce Food Photography is the background. Usually, food photography takes a lot of white backgrounds because it makes the food seem striking and clear. If the photographed food has a slightly pale appearance, then you can count on a dark background both black and brown or something else.

Or you can also add some accessories that can support the look of these foods look more interesting and delicious.

6. Use a small portion of food

Everyone eats with a full portion, but in Food photography is not the case. The fewer portions of food you display in a dish, the better because the portion of food in small amounts will bring more attention to the food itself.

A small portion of food provides an interesting picture of a meal. Therefore, give enough room for the audience to look at objects from every photo of the food you make. The more components you display on your photo can complicate and make the image unclear or less focused.

Understand that, keep the simplicity of the food you want to produce to give you an interesting and amazing result.

7. Use hot food

Food Photography
Photographing using hot foods has a time limit. Take the best time possible. Then set your camera settings beforehand and make sure that props or other supporting elements are already set up.

Because if your preparation is right, then you will get a satisfactory result. If a dark background is not available during shooting, then use an additional light or reflector to provide sufficient lighting for your subject.

8. Show the basic ingredients of the food

As an ornament that makes your photo more quality, try to add the basic ingredients of the food. Like the example below, the strawberry-tasted yogurt has been surrounded with original strawberries as a visual enhancement. And the result is very fun to see because the color combination of yogurt and fruit is very harmonious.

9.  Photos while in action

Try a photo moment when there is an action being performed by the renderer. For example, grated chocolate and sprinkled on a cake. This can add a great impression to your photos.

10. Expand the exercise

If you are a beginner then exercise is also one way to produce a cool Food Photography. Any good camera that you use but do not know the features in the camera then the results are also not going to be good.

Therefore recognize the various features that exist in the camera and train to find a suitable angle for food can hone the image of your food photography becomes sharper and better.

5 Food pictures

Easy way to follow someone's account on Instagram without complicated

How to follow someone on Instagram  - Following is a concept originally used by Twitter. This concept is created so that we can follow an account, after doing the following account then all the status and activities that are shared will be seen through our Timeline. So you should only follow the account that you think is important and according to your interests only.

Later, all activities of the accounts that you follow will appear to be one in the Timeline. This concept is ultimately taken by Instagram.

The difference is if Twitter's focus is to share status while the Instagram focus is sharing photos and videos. Of course, after having Instagram, you should follow various accounts to enliven your Instagram Timeline. Here's a tutorial on how to follow Instagram interesting for you to see:

1. Open the Instagram app

First, open the Instagram app on your smartphone.

2. Press the search button to start doing follow people

How to follow someone on Instagram

In the start screen, you will be taken to the Timeline. This will show the content that has been shared by the accounts that you have followed. Press the magnifying glass symbol to start the search.

3. Type the name of the account you want to Follow

Instagram search button

In the column box, type a name, then a related search list will appear.

4. Select the account you wish to Follow

Choose the account you want to follow.

5. Click the follow button to be Following

How to follow someone on Instagram

If you want to follow that account, press Follow until it turns into Following.

You have successfully performed an account. You can search various accounts owned by your friends, artists, websites, brands, news and more.

With so popular Instagram, so many people who have accounts of the application for various purposes.

The accounts you follow will be counted and recorded on your profile. Everything will be collected on the menu entitled Following which will appear on your profile. Anyone who opens your profile can access or see whoever you follow unless you are privy to your Instagram account.